This blog is a 5-minute read on busting weight loss myths!
Ok, boys and girls GRAB A SNACK (or a treat, a cozy spot, or a fur baby) and get supa dupa cozy. We are diving into a wild and crazy episode dedicated to busting the most common weight loss myths!
You’re gonna walk away knowing:
- What you should *actually* be doing at the gym,
- All about why I HATE low-calorie foods + what to focus on instead,
- And lastly why your late-night sweet tooth doesn’t have to wreck your weight loss progress.
*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I only recommend products I personally use and love!*
Here’s the thing. The internet is wild, yo. And I hate to see people that are working hard and trying their best- getting bamboozled by random info from the Karens of the world.
Let’s make you the most effective so you can do the stuff that actually matters in life. Like love your people and use your gifts and make the world a better place. Mmmmk?
K, let’s go.
Short on time? Check out the “TLDR” for each section to get the gist!
WEIGHT LOSS MYTH 1: Cardio is King
Let’s dive in with a banger, shall we?
When you think of weight loss- I’m guessing two things pop into your head. Dieting. And running.
But also because you’ve likely been traumatized by:
A) a terrible diet program and
B) forcing yourself to run even though you *hate* it
Because that’s how you lose weight.
I could talk about this for days but I’m going to lay out the cold hard facts and let the truth speak for itself.
If you are doing NOTHING, cardio is a great step in the right direction. Not because it is most effective, but because it’s something where there was once nothing.
A certain amount of cardio is important to develop for cardiovascular health. This is essential for supporting a strong heart, healthy blood pressure, improved oxygen flow, and lowered risk of disease.
The Truth:
If you are looking for weight loss, strength training absolutely has to make up the bulk of your training program.
The more muscle you have on your body, the harder your body has to work (aka the more calories you have to burn) to keep the muscle alive.
When you do cardio for an hour- you burn extra calories during that hour. Great job!
When you strength train for an hour- you burn calories while you train, while you’re resting and repairing, and then again to maintain the newly built muscle.
Strength training provides a huge boost to your metabolism because it raises the baseline of your caloric needs during the day. Not to mention the positive effects it has on performance, longevity, quality of life, lowered risk of disease, lowered risk of injury and SO MUCH MORE.
So, if you’re doing nothing and cardio is what you can manage right now— DO IT. Something is better than nothing.
But- this myth is BUSTED.
Cardio isn’t king— weight training is!
TLDR: Want a bangin’ bod? Get off the treadmill and grab some dumbbells. You can thank me later.
WEIGHT LOSS MYTH 2: Low-calorie foods are best.
Do me a favor, friend.
Please literally NEVER buy those little snacks that say *100 Calories* like that’s a good thing ever ever ever again.
Too dramatic for you?
Ok well, let’s get to the real facts behind this idea that “low-calorie is best”.
Low-calorie will crash your metabolism, trainwreck your hormones, erase your energy— and most likely ruin your marriage cuz no one likes a hangry human.
This idea that low-calorie foods are best stems from the misbelief that restriction in a diet is sustainable and effective.
It’s not.
Restriction leads to overeating every single time. Not to mention allllll the disordered eating beliefs and habits that come with the process.
The Truth:
Instead of focusing on “low calorie” I want you thinking about “nutrient-dense” foods.
The point of eating is so that your body can take the energy (food) and transform it into something that you can use— energy to chase your toddler, a new idea for work, muscles for the gym, emotions that will help you process, clarity in a relationship, etc.
You need a nourished and strong body to thrive. And you don’t achieve “nourished and strong” by trying to get by on the least amount of calories possible.
Make a habit of looking at what makes up the calories instead of just looking at the calorie count.
A small Mcdonald’s Fry has 230 calories.
3 eggs and a slice of toast have roughly 280 calories.
The difference is the nutrient value. The eggs include proteins and fats and carbs that your body can use. While the fries include some highly refined carbs and oils that will leave you feeling bloated, greasy, and (here’s the kicker) HUNGRY shortly after.
This weight loss myth is BUSTED!
TLDR: Focus on “nutrient-dense” foods instead of low calories and you’ll feel more satiated AND you’ll watch the number on the scale drop.
WEIGHT LOSS MYTH 3: My sweet tooth will ruin my progress
Did you know that most people crave “something sweet” at some point during the day? You’re not broken. You just haven’t learned how to respond to this stimulus in a way that satisfies you AND ALSO serves you long-term.
And yep, that’s a real thing.
First, let’s talk about what not to do.
Sister, please don’t try to never eat a treat again. I’ve seen this movie and it doesn’t end well.
Like, ever.
Unless you are a robot, your willpower will break at some point. And while this will most likely lead to some kind of overindulgence— what’s WORSE is that it will leave you feeling like a failure, discouraged, and “off the wagon”.
None of these are prime settings for healthy weight loss.
Instead- focus on answering the sweet tooth call BETTER.
Candy, junk food, fast food- it’s literally designed by scientists to be sweet enough for your brain to enjoy, but also “dull” enough that as you swallow your brain wants more.
Related: How to Control Sugar Cravings - 4 Surprisingly Easy Swaps
Companies spend BILLIONS of dollars perfecting the crunch and the smell and the taste as it hits your tongue and as you swallow, and it is 100 percent DESIGNED for you to fail.
It is designed for you to overeat.
So, first things first- to the food scientists in the house-
um, rude. Please stop immediately.
But to the rest of us, it makes perfect sense that you blow your eating at the end of the day with a bag of chips and a coke and a sleeve of Oreos.
It’s literally a science experiment.
The Truth:
What to do instead is focus on treats that SATISFY.
Dark chocolate, or
Homemade anything, or
Ingredient-conscious, or
Individually wrapped
Options are BEST.
Dark chocolate is rich and because of that, it’s hard to overeat.
Homemade anything is a great option for sweet tooth cravings because you have to make it first. It’s less likely to be an emotional and mindless grab. Homemade also means you control the ingredients- HUGE BONUS!
Ingredient-conscious means that you are paying attention to what makes up the treat and are able to make a better (even just slightly) choice.
Individually wrapped is a great hack for the times when you need the treat and “lower” quality store-bought treats are all you have access to. The pile of wrappers will keep you accountable for portion control.
This weight loss myth is BUSTED. Your sweet tooth doesn’t have to get the best of you.
TLDR: Don’t cut out treats, just pick better ones! Focus on things that actually satisfy the craving. Picking from dark chocolate, homemade, ingredient-conscious, or individually wrapped items are a great place to start.
You got this.
Remember, always check with your health care professional before starting any new diet or exercise program. Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Every body and person is different. Therefore, We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a specific or particular result, and you accept the risk that results differ for each individual. As with any health-related program or service, your results may vary.
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