Is it just me or is this whole- “building and raising mini humans to become fully functioning and respected members of society” like– A LOT?
I just want to pop into your head space and say… Sister Friend, I am in the trenches with you!
You are not alone.
Other moms want time away from their kids too.
They feel short and at the end of their rope somedays.
Sometimes, they even let their kids look at a screen (GASP!) when they just need a moment of silence.
You. are. not. alone.
And while it’s no secret that there are plenty of hard motherhood moments, there are a few simple tricks to help the hard days, moments, weeks, or months.. be just a little less difficult.
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Is Self Care for Moms even possible?
here are 8 habits to get you started.
Self Care for moms:
Habit #1: Wake Up Early, Mama
You’re probably thinking something close to- “what in the actual hell, woman?”
I get it.
Man oh man, do I get it. My little guy sleeps through the night about as often as a lunar eclipse. But waking up 30-60 minutes before the babes to get centered is ESSENTIAL. This prevents you from waking up late and feeling behind before the day even starts.
This time in the morning might be the only time you have to yourself ALL DAY. Can you say sacred?
Use it to journal, read, stretch, practice deep breathing, workout, or just sit and drink coffee in silence.
It will be hard at first but you know what’s harder? Feeling like you’re spread too thin, with nothing left for yourself at the end of the day.
*This tip does not apply to moms with newborns. Sleep as long and as often as you can, my friend.
Habit #2: Workout, Sis!
You had to know this one was coming from me. #SorryNotSorry
Workout EVERYDAY. Not because you’re hatin on your bod, or trying to make society happy by “bouncing back” after a baby.
But because it floods your brain with endorphins (happy chemicals), gets your blood flowing which helps lift brain fog (Lord help us all), and makes you feel like you have control over a teeny tiny part of your day.
Which is essential when dealing with bossy mini humans.
Self Care for moms:
Habit #3: PRACTICE GRATITUDE… for the little things.
Is there a mug that makes you happy, or cozy slippers that you can wear in the morning? Maybe a favorite picture you can hang where you’ll see it?
The opportunity to create several joyful moments throughout you day is there- you just have to be willing to look for them. Take a second and write 3 things down that make you happy (It doesn’t mater how small or how silly they are!) and plan to incorporate them. Today!
Habit #4: Mama Bear Needs… Community.
Did anyone else not expect motherhood to be so lonely? There are times where I have felt like no one else understands what I’m feeling. The brain fog. The struggle to leave the house to get things done. Those friends that don’t quite recognize the effort that goes into parenting.
It can be hard. That’s why community is essential.
Start a standing park date with a friend with kids, plan to visit someone you love on their lunch break, or ask your co-worker to join you in your cubicle for lunch and talk instead of scroll. Invite a family member over for dinner or offer to trade babysitting so you can get out of the house and meet some friends.
This is one of those things that won’t come together easily or on it’s own, but if you practice creating it- you will reap the benefits!
Habit #5: Get Some Fresh Air, Lady!
Go for a walk, work in the garden, go to the park- it is worth any extra effort it takes to bundle the babes up and get outside.
It doesn’t have to be a giant ordeal, even a few minutes outside is said to increase energy, boost your immune system, restore your focus and gain perspective.
What mom doesn’t need ALL THOSE THINGS?!
Self Care for moms:
Habit #6: Get Dressed, Friend!
This is something my mom taught me a long time ago. But waking up and getting ready for the day (even when you don’t want to) does something special for your brain. It swaps you out of “sleep mode” and into “go”.
So even if you swap out your pajamas for stretchy pants and your messy bun for a baseball cap- it’s still worth it! Don’t worry about dressing fancy or putting on a face full of makeup (unless that makes you feel good!), just get ready for the day in whatever small way makes you feel happiest.
This small task helps to boost esteem, increase energy levels, and leaves you feeling ready to conquer whatever the day holds.
Again, need I say more?
Habit #7: Limit Social Media Time
This is quite possibly one of the most important. While social media can be awesome- it can also quickly spiral into an unhealthy habit that leads to a negative internal dialogue or self image.
Stop comparing your life to the highlight reel of a mom in South Carolina living life on the beach. No more scrolling through pics of moms and babies dressed to perfection while you hate on your own outfit. Stop missing out on moments with your perfect humans while double tapping images of other picture perfect humans.
Social media can be a powerful force for GOOD….but only if you make sure you set up for success.
If an account/page (even a cute/inspiring one) makes you feel less about your own life, unfollow. If the explore page gets you overly invested in a family you’ve never met and you’re left feeling anything less than optimal- don’t let yourself look.
Set a timer for social media and enforce screen time rules in the settings of your phone to make sure that your social media is adding to you, not taking away.
PRO TIP: On most Social Media you can “Mute” profiles. So if you don’t want to delete or unfollow that one “friend” that makes you feel terrible about yourself…just mute. Your happiness is worth the .0035 seconds that it takes. Follow pages and people that make you HAPPY.
Habit #8: Guilt Free Rest, Mama
There are a few of those rare moments- when the stars align and there is an opportunity to rest. Whether that looks like closing your eyes, sitting on the back deck, working on a project or doing something you enjoy– take the opportunity! I’m here to tell you- no, insist-that you take those moments to rest; guilt free. Fresh laundry is good and clean bathrooms are amazing– but rest is just as important.
Running around just for the sake of staying busy or dominating a to do list is a quick way to burn out. By modeling that it’s “not ok to rest” (#GUILTY) you are teaching the littles that are watching you to do the same.
Model what it looks like to prioritize peace- and your people will thank you for it when they’re older.

These 8 self care for moms habits are so simple that you could incorporate all of them starting today and I PROMISE you’ll be on the road to being one Happy Mama. Sure, you’ll have your moments. But the solid foundation you’ve built will make sure that the bad moments stay moments- not days, weeks, or years.
Now, make your happiness a priority and go enjoy your tiny humans.
What keeps you sane when life is crazy? Comment below and share your favorite self care habits!
3 Secrets to Enjoy Exercise (from a Certified Personal Trainer)
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