Hi, hello, hey.
Grab a snack babe, today we’re talking macros!
When starting out it can be WAY OVERWHELMING. To the point where you’re like… “ok but I can’t just stay home and prep food all day so… not gonna happen”
I’ve got great news, it doesn’t have to be that way.
I’m gonna get straight to the point with what works FOR ME.
Here are the 5 key things to help me hit my macros as a busy mom of 2!
Grocery shopping:
Grocery shop consistently: The biggest derailer (for myself and clients) is as simple as not having the food I need at the house. That leads to snacking, fast food drive-thrus, and last-minute grocery store trips— where you somehow always forget something and spend too much.
I grocery shop on Monday mornings. I always go at the same time and I will plan my schedule around it. It’s that important.
Cooking at home:
This leads me to my second point… It is possible to hit macros while eating out, but it is more expensive, usually lower quality, and takes WORK to make it work.
The better option is cooking at home.
I know, I know. I hated it too. But once I realized how big of a deal this was I made the shift and decided to start practicing. When you cook at home you control the quality and the ingredients. Knowing what makes up your food is essential to hitting your macros. I’ve found that eating out will quickly run up your macro count for the day (especially in the carbs department).
A high-protein breakfast is a MUST:
Breakfast haters.. back up. I don’t care if you eat at 6 am or 1 pm but your first meal of the day N E E D S to be high in protein.
This first meal determines your satiation and cravings for the day— talk about important.
My go-to breakfast usually includes collagen protein powder, 3 eggs, and a slice of Ezekiel bread. It comes in right at about 40g protein, 15g carbs, and 15g fat.
Create an easy OTG plan...
...ahead of time, for those “oh, sh*t” kinda mornings.
You sleep thru the alarm, the kids are going crazy, the toilet overflows (a moment of silence for all the bad words I’ve said before 7am) — who knows what your messy mornings look like.
But they’re inevitable. PLAN FOR 'EM.
Because breakfast is so important, I keep a few emergency options stocked up so I can grab what I need and run out the door. If mornings tend to be chill and the afternoon is crazy- plan for easy snacks that you can take in the car. If your evenings are busier than a mall at Christmas time— stock up on crock pot meals or on-the-go dinners that will keep you on track.
Here are a few of my emergency meal plans:
- 2 pre-shelled hard-boiled eggs, a protein shake, and a That’s It fruit bar or a banana.
- Protein shake, chomps, and some cheese or an apple.
- Slices of clean lunch meat, some cheese, and cucumber.
- Anything crock pot that can be made ahead of time.
- Sheet pan dinners- Chop and bake! Quick and easy. Frozen veggies make life EVEN easier. Pair this with Costco's grass-fed and grass-finished sausage for a dinner that is ready in less than 5 minutes.
- Tuna on bread (50+ G protein!)
- Or any of the ideas listed above would also work for dinner!
Ready to start tracking macros? Check out my Macro Mentorship Here
Creating Anchor Meals:
Breaking macros into “per meal” goals is super helpful to help you get to your macro count easily. This helps prevent getting to the end of the day and just needing protein and not having room for more carbs. Or vice versa.
Start by taking your macros and dividing them by how many meals you can make time for. Some people only have time for 2 meals, others shoot for 3, 4, or even 5 meals a day.
The more meals you have a day the smaller they can be. It’s important to note there isn’t a right answer on this one- it’s about what works for you and the season you’re in. For example— a college student might be able to eat 5 meals a day while a CEO who’s in meetings all day can only make time for 2. You gotta be realistic about what’s do able.
To do this take your goal protein and divide it by # of meals you wish to eat.
Do the same for your carbs and fat.
You’ll end up with something like this:
4 meals, each containing 40g P, 40g C, 20g F
See? Much more manageable!
OK, so how do we feel? Does tackling macros feel more manageable now?
These are the key pillars that I feel help me stay consistent and on track with macros. As a mom, my needs often get pushed to the back burner so anything that can help me simplify is GOLDEN.
Also, there is a huge learning curve- especially if you are just starting to pay attention to nutrition.
Stay patient and kind to yourself!
You’ll get there!
Ready for more? Check out 5 Truth Bombs to Master Your Macros
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