Strong Girl Summer

It's Time for a

You'll look back on this and say...

That was the 6-Week Challenge that Changed Everything…

I'm so ready

These habit challenges will take you from “surviving” to THRIVING. Tiny tweaks that add up to big changes-
can I get an Amen?!


Three levels to pick from (which means you're actually getting 3 challenges in 1!!) designed to get you strong and lean. Oh, and did I mention it's Zero-Cardio?! Nope, it's not too good to be true. 


Designed with Simplicity + Sustainability in mind. Science backed and client tested principles that allow you to start where you want based on the capacity of your current season. Build off it when you're ready and reap the rewards for life! 


Let's take a look at what's inside...

“My biggest transformation was learning how to optimize my day- small tweaks helped me to succeed and not just worry about my weight”

 "My tummy is a lot flatter and I'm feeling a lot more confident in my suit! My friends are complimenting me!"

“I'm realizing that I can find joy and healing in movement- it's not about punishment or performance anymore”


Results my clients see...

“If you’re stuck in a rut, struggle with body image, need a new perspective, or you’ve been poisoned by bad content on social media— you can benefit from working with Tori” 

Get STarted Now

Each product I create is designed with intention and this one is no different. 

I’m certain that after our time together you will feel stronger physically, empowered in your nutrition, and equipped to create sustainable positive change. 

feel empowered

The goal is NOT that you “eat clean” for 6 weeks. It’s that you learn the principles that work for you and then reap the rewards FOR LIFE. 

Create sustainable nutrition habits and pursue structure that supports your goals, not restriction that prevents you from living! 

enjoy your food

Inside, you'll find a list of habits that will help you thrive mentally. Your job is to pick one and commit to it for 6 weeks. 

A HUGE part of a kick-ass strong girl summer is being mentally
strong and healthy. 

Build life-long habits

How do you pick what’s important when you’re meeting a brand new friend? Who knows?! So here’s a little bit of everything... 

I am 100% not an almond mom, believe iced coffee is basically a vitamin, convinced all moms are real live saints, a firm believer TMI isn’t a thing, hoping they have chocolate chip cookies on demand in heaven, in awe of God on the daily, kinda hippie- kinda hood, not afraid of a well placed F bomb, believe dessert is a non-negotiable, + convinced canceled plans are heaven sent. 

Did I forget anything? Oh Ya– I made a full time gig out of linking arms with bad ass women and transforming the way they eat, move, and think. 

Stick around and you might just find yourself a radiant, glowing, goddess of health and wellness. The hott + happy kind….Don’t say I didn't warn you!

meet  your coach!

I'm Victoria —
certified personal trainer and nutrition coach.

More about me

It’s Time to Start Your  Strong Girl Summer.

What are you waiting for?

Get the Guide